RSA Classroom Course SITHFAB021
Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol
RCG Classroom Course - SITHGAM022- Provide responsible gambling services
If you're going to work at a licensed premises (that is, a place that sells alcohol), you must complete competency training in the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA). If you don't have valid evidence that you've completed the RSA training required for working in a licensed premises, you could be fined.
The Responsible Service of Alcohol is a fully accredited unit of competency under the Nationally Recognised Training from the Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package with the course code SITHFAB021-Provide responsible service of alcohol.
Delivery​ Mode is Face to Face.
Contact us for next available RSA Classes
Email: studentservice@leculinaire.edu.au or call 02 92113945

Who needs a RSA
The unit applies to all levels of personnel involved in the sale, service, including promotional service and supply of alcohol in licensed premises. Those selling or serving alcohol may include food and beverage attendants; packaged liquor salespersons selling in person, over the phone or online; winery, brewery and distillery cellar door staff; delivery services and supplier sales representatives. The unit also applies to security staff who monitor customer behaviour and to the licensee who is ultimately responsible for responsible service of alcohol (RSA) management.
Entry requirements and prior knowledge?
Anyone can study this course, and there is no Pre-requisites. Students must be at least 18 years old at the time of enrolment.
English requirement?
This course requires a good command of written English. Participants must be able to interact with others as part of a team, both customers and staff, with the ability to read and write to enable effective comprehension relating to the course.
What are the course outcomes?
Statement of attainment
This course is accredited under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), and is also approved by Liquor and Gaming NSW as satisfying the RSA training provisions. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will receive a Statement of Attainment in: SITHFAB021 - Provide responsible service of alcohol
Liquor and Gaming NSW interim certificate
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will also receive a Liquor & Gaming NSW interim certificate which is required to apply for an RSA competency card.
Note: RSA competency cards expire after five years from the date of your course. You must refresh your training prior to this time to continue working in the industry.
How is the course delivered?
This course is delivered over 6 hours in a face-to-face classroom environment by a qualified and Liquor and Gaming NSW approved trainer and assessor.
Assessment Information
At the end of the course, the student is required to successfully complete a written assessment
Cancellation and refund policies
f you are unable to attend the course, you must notify Le Culinaire Hospitality Institute via email: admin@leculinaire.edu.au at least two (2) business days prior to course commencement. Should you book less than two (2) business days prior to the course program, no refund will apply if you cancel. Should you not attend the course or are more than 15 minutes late into the course, no refund will apply, and you will be required to book and pay for another Day and Time.
No Refund will apply for NO SHOW.
424 Harris St Ultimo NSW 2007
Right next to Darling Harbour
What do I need to bring?
Students must bring one form of original photo ID on the day of the course (passport, Australian Drivers License or RTA Proof of Age Card).